Mont Charvin Salaisons: pork cuts that taste so good!
Christian, the founder of Mont Charvin Salaisons, is a great guy, and we sincerely thank him for his uncompromising approach when it comes to the quality the meat products he sells. A Master Artisan*, recognized for his expertise, he loves preparing pork cuts made with local, healthy ingredients.

Loving only what’s “good”
The animals, like the spices, hazelnuts, and walnuts he uses, are carefully selected by Christian according to a set of stringent standards from which he never deviates. It is perfectly normal to hear him say that he takes his children’s future into consideration (and so ours as well), and that he is determined to continue to make food that is good for them and will not harm their health.
And we wholeheartedly approve!

Top 3
All year long, in his shop in Doussard or at a local market, you will find, among his many specialties, a few that we simply cannot resist:
His traditional Mont Charvin sausage is without a doubt the most popular product he makes. The 450 g version has been around for a long time and the 130 g version, the Charvinette, recently made its debut. This sausage owes its success to artisanal techniques that combine cutting, grinding, and high-quality ingredients (fresh meat, a mix of homemade spices, no lactose, no ascorbates, no polyphosphates).
Ancelle®, a pork filet marinated in pine-bud liqueur is a favorite among connoisseurs. Its fine texture and taste will please anyone’s palate.
Cured ham and knackwurst figure among the latest Mont Charvin products and have already become popular picks