La Sambuy 1850m d'altitude fleurs, arbres et montagne

La Sambuy 1850m d'altitude fleurs, arbres et montagne

Legal notices

By decision dated 07/05/2024, the Atout France registration commission has registered our organization, the Sources du lac d’Annecy Tourist Office, in the register of travel and stay operators.

Our registration number is: IM074240006.

The registration of travel operators is mandatory when the organization’s activities include organizing trips, stays, museum visits, or historical monument tours. This registration, which must be renewed every three years, is recorded in the register of travel and stay operators, listing all individuals or legal entities engaged in or assisting with such activities, regardless of their remuneration methods:

Organizing or selling individual or group trips and stays
Any other activity mentioned in Article L. 211-1 of the French Tourism Code, including the organization/sale of services provided during trips and stays, tourism-related services, the production or sale of tourist packages, and the issuance of tourist “gift boxes”
The applying organization must provide proof of professional liability insurance and financial guarantee coverage. All these conditions are verified by the Atout France registration commission before the registration is approved.