Territoire sources du Lac d'Annecy en vue aérienne - FAQ

Our frequently asked questions

Here is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page of the Sources du lac d’Annecy tourism office in Faverges. Here, you will find answers to the questions most frequently asked by our visitors. If you can’t find an answer to your question, don’t hesitate to reach us directly by clicking on this link !

Frequently asked questions

Les Sources du Lac d’Annecy tourism office, Faverges

  • What destinations are part of Les Sources du lac d’Annecy?

There are 7 villages: Chevaline, Doussard, Faverges-Seythenex, Giez, Lathuile, Saint-Ferréol, Val de Chaise and 100 hamlets.

  • What are the opening times of Faverges-Seythenex Tourism Office?

Location: place Marcel Piquand

All year round, open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 17:00.

From June to August, open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 18:00, and on Sunday from 9:00 to 12:30.

  • What are the opening times of Doussard tourist office?

Location: Route de la plage, Doussard

Open from May to September

May and September: Monday through Saturday 9:00 -13:00 / 15:00-18:00 (closed on May 1st).

June: every day 9:00 -13:00 / 15:00-18:00

July-August: every day 9:00 -13:00 / 15:00-18:45

  • How can I get to Faverges from large cities nearby (Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Grenoble, Geneva)?

You can find all the information you need on this page: https://www.sources-lac-annecy.com/bus-et-navettes/

  • Can we get a professional guided tour of the villages?

Emmanuelle Roch – professional guide. She will guide you through the streets of the city of your choice and will take you on a time travel! You can contact her and book all year : +33 611834238 – contact@nos-visites-guidees.com

  • What are the accommodation options on the territory of les Sources du lac d’Annecy?

Campsites, holiday rentals (Meublés de tourisme), hotels, bed and breakfasts, out of the ordinary accommodation, mountain shelters, tourism residence.

  • How can I book my accommodation?

You will find the contact information of all our partners to book your stay directly from them on this page: https://www.sources-lac-annecy.com/hebergements/

Or via a roadbook link (we can send it to you when you visit the tourism office or give us a call).

  • What are the camper van areas available in les Sources du lac d’Annecy?

Here are some areas that we recommand:

Doussard camper van area: a few minutes away from the lake and the nature reserve. Address: Chemin du Pont Monnet, 74210 Doussard. Amenities : water, electricity, waste water draining, toilets.

Lathuile camper van area: located in a calm area, close to lake Annecy and hiking paths. Address: Route de la Vieille Église, 74210 Lathuile. Amenities: water, electricity, waste water draining.

Saint-Ferréol camper van area: next to the mountains, perfect for hiking and nature lovers. Address: Route de l’Eglise, 74210 Saint-Ferréol. Amenities: water, electricity, waste water draining.

Giez camper van area: close to the golf course, ideal for golf lovers and beautiful view of the mountains. Address: Chemin Rural dit des Combes, 74210 Giez. Amenities: water, electricity, waste water draining.

  • What are some easy hiking paths with a beautiful view on the lake?

The Bout du Lac d’Annecy nature reserve is an easy walk, accessible to all, in a protected nature reserve with great views of the lake. Duration: about an hour and a half.

  • Where can I go to the cinema?

The theatres in Ugine and Albertville are easily accessible from Faverges. You can get the program for Ugine and Albertville every Wednesday afternoon directly at the tourist office.

For the theatres of La Soierie in Faverges, in Seythenex, and in Doussard you will find the program online on the town hall’s websites and on the website of Doussard theatre. Please note that the showings are not necessarly linked with national releases.

  • When do the markets take place in the different villages of les Sources du Lac d’Annecy?

Doussard: Monday mornings (weekly market in the centre of the village) – from June to end of August.

Faverges: Wednesday mornings (big market on rue de la République) and Friday evenings from 16:00 to 19:00 (Farmers’ market).

Lathuile: Friday mornings (small market in the centre of the village) – July and August

You will also find occasional artisans and creators markets during the summer, more information here.

  • How can I get to Annecy without a car?

You can take the Navibus shuttle boat, find all the information you need using the following link: https://www.sources-lac-annecy.com/billetterie/

You can take the Y51 bus line: https://www.sources-lac-annecy.com/bus-et-navettes/

  • Where are the ATM located near Doussard beach ?

In Doussard town centre 3km away.

  • Where can I walk my dog (on a leash) in the territory of les Sources du lac d’Annecy?


Glières beach – Verthier
Bredannaz beach, small area with grass
Beach between Duingt and Bredannaz (1078, Rte d’Albertville 74410 Duingt)
Rivers: Combe d’Ire, Faverges, Doussard, Torrent du Fier,…

Dogs are forbidden on all town beaches.

Walks and visits:

Huts of Le Festival des Cabanes
Cave and waterfall, Seythenex
Combe d’Ire (river), Chevaline
Marlens pond
Roc de Chère nature reserve, Talloires
Mont Blanc – Mer de glace (/!\ metal floor steps can scare dogs)

Dogs are forbiden on all sites with alpine pastures (see the official article in French here) and in the Bout du lac nature reserve.

Sometimes, dogs are allowed with a leash, seek out the signs around you before your hike!

Public transport:

Boat lines: Compagnie des bateaux

Free summer shuttles Doussard-La Sambuy

Y51 bus: 2nd category dogs accepted

General information – Vets on the territory

Clinique Vétérinaire du Bout du Lac
37 route du Vieux Pont, 74210 Doussard,
04 50 32 93 77

La Yourte Vétérinaire
295 route de Thônes, 74210 Faverges,
04 50 44 64 54